SEAM (Smart Enterprise Asset Management)


Digital is just as important as bricks & mortar in today’s built environment sector:

Guidelines and standards such as BIM, ISO19650-3, NEC4 Design Build Operate contract, UK Government Soft Landings, Building Safety Act (2022) are forcing the construction industry, owners and operators to look at the whole asset lifecycle and apply technology to drive business outcomes such as sustainability, asset performance, productivity, cost reductions, Health & Safety, traceability, compliance, wellbeing, to name but a few. For an industry prominently focussed on the ‘bricks & mortar’ to complete the Design and Build phase, understanding the ‘digital’ aspect and expanding horizons to look into the operational phase, where typically 80% plus of the total cost of ownership and carbon footprint is found, is not only a significant challenge but also a significant opportunity.

 “The technology art of possible” – the ecosystem can help join the dots.

TPPS is part of an ecosystem of subject matter experts that can help clients articulate their needs and develop the specification for solutions that directly map to and dovetail with their requirements.

The first step for any owner, operator or construction partner is to understand the ‘technology art of possible’ as they look to shape a digital strategy that will deliver desired business outcomes for their assets – whether those assets be a hospital, university, offices, residential, or sub-assets such as rooms, HVAC, lighting, specialist equipment. There’s a danger at this stage that the Owner/Operator could either put all eggs in one basket and hand the problem over to an OEM supplier who’ll be more than willing to lead the client into proprietary solutions, or perhaps work with an abundance of partners where the risk would be to create disparate bunch siloed technology and data sources rather than a coherent, joined-up digital strategy. No one organisation has the solution to all these challenges, hence why the complementary ecosystem of partners are able to deliver a modular, interoperable, ‘cradle to grave’ approach to Smart Asset Management.

TPPS also contributed to and co-authored an award-winning publication which can be viewed here.

For further information please don’t hesitate to get in contact.
